Return Codes
HTTP return codes
Code | Message | RFC |
100 | Continue | RFC7231 |
101 | Switching Protocols | RFC7231 |
102 | Processing | RFC2518 |
103 | Early Hints | RFC8297 |
200 | OK | RFC7231 |
201 | Created | RFC7231 |
202 | Accepted | RFC7231 |
203 | Non-Authoritative Information | RFC7231 |
204 | No Content | RFC7231 |
205 | Reset Content | RFC7231 |
206 | Partial Content | RFC7231 |
207 | Multi-Status | RFC4918 |
208 | Already Reported | RFC5842 |
226 | IM Used | RFC3229 |
300 | Multiple Choices | RFC7231 |
301 | Moved Permanently | RFC7231 |
302 | Found | RFC7231 |
303 | See Other | RFC7231 |
304 | Not Modified | RFC7231 |
305 | Use Proxy | RFC7231 |
306 | Reserved | RFC7231 |
307 | Temporary Redirect | RFC7231 |
308 | Permanent Redirect | RFC-reschke-http-status-308-07 |
400 | Bad Request | RFC7231 |
401 | Unauthorized | RFC7231 |
402 | Payment Required | RFC7231 |
403 | Forbidden | RFC7231 |
404 | Not Found | RFC7231 |
405 | Method Not Allowed | RFC7231 |
406 | Not Acceptable | RFC7231 |
407 | Proxy Authentication Required | RFC7231 |
408 | Request Timeout | RFC7231 |
409 | Conflict | RFC7231 |
410 | Gone | RFC7231 |
411 | Length Required | RFC7231 |
412 | Precondition Failed | RFC7231 |
413 | Request Entity Too Large | RFC7231 |
414 | Request-URI Too Long | RFC7231 |
415 | Unsupported Media Type | RFC7231 |
416 | Requested Range Not Satisfiable | RFC7231 |
417 | Expectation Failed | RFC7231 |
418 | I'm a teapot | RFC2324 |
421 | Misdirected Request | RFC7540 |
422 | Unprocessable Entity | RFC4918 |
423 | Locked | RFC4918 |
424 | Failed Dependency | RFC4918 |
425 | Too Early | RFC8470 |
426 | Upgrade Required | RFC2817 |
428 | Precondition Required | RFC6585 |
429 | Too Many Requests | RFC6585 |
431 | Request Header Fields Too Large | RFC6585 |
451 | Unavailable For Legal Reasons | RFC7725 |
500 | Internal Server Error | RFC7231 |
501 | Not Implemented | RFC7231 |
502 | Bad Gateway | RFC7231 |
503 | Service Unavailable | RFC7231 |
504 | Gateway Timeout | RFC7231 |
505 | HTTP Version Not Supported | RFC7231 |
506 | Variant Also Negotiates (Experimental) | RFC2295 |
507 | Insufficient Storage | RFC4918 |
508 | Loop Detected | RFC5842 |
510 | Not Extended | RFC2774 |
511 | Network Authentication Required | RFC6585 |
Animal friendly status code responses:
Port 318 for PKIX Time Stamp Protocol (TSP) is used for time-stamping in cryptographic operations, ensuring that digital signatures or documents are bound to a specific time. This can help prove the existence of data at a particular moment. See details in RFC 3161.
While officially designated, this port is not widely used in practice for timestamping, as most time-stamping services operate over HTTPS (e.g., on port 443). Modern timestamp servers like the D-Trust service often use HTTPS-based endpoints instead.
Test Timestamp server
Simple check:
- Windows:
telnet <hostname> 318
- Linux:
nc -zv <hostname> 318
No Auth
Run this to create a sample.txt, request.tsq and send (via HTTP POST) that to the timestamp server
echo "Test data for timestamping" > sample.txt
openssl ts -query -data sample.txt -no_nonce -sha256 -out request.tsq
curl --header "Content-Type: application/timestamp-query" --data-binary "@request.tsq" -o response.tsr
openssl ts -reply -in response.tsr -text
Example output:
Status: granted
Time: Dec 18 10:00:00 2024 GMT
Serial number: 123456789
Hash Algorithm: sha256
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
If you require authentication you will get an error like this:
Missing basic authentication in the received HTTP POST with Content-Type application/timestamp-query.
68910000:error:068000A8:asn1 encoding routines:asn1_check_tlen:wrong tag:crypto\asn1\tasn_dec.c:1188:
68910000:error:0688010A:asn1 encoding routines:asn1_item_embed_d2i:nested asn1 error:crypto\asn1\tasn_dec.c:349:Type=TS_RESP
With Auth
curl --header "Content-Type: application/timestamp-query" --user my_id:my_secret --data-binary "@request.tsq" -o response.tsr